The Unreality of Time.


    Before reading McTaggart's "The Unreality of Time" I had no real concept of time. I never really knew how to prove or disprove it in anyway. I kind of took advantage of times in ways I never knew I did. I do not see my personal view of time in his article, my concept of time was very basic and most likely not even worth explaining because there was no true thought in my head to explain time. While reading the article i see that McTaggart says that there is no true way to explain time. He uses many examples such as his Series A (past, present, and future), Series B (earlier and later), and Series C (sequence of events) to explain the meaning to his thoughts. While it was a confusing read, once reaching the end (after reading twice) I feel as though i have an understanding of what he is trying to say. I was very surprised at some of his explanations and logic because it is something many people just skip over. 
